Will ride for wine

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sea Otter 2008

Just returned from the Sea Otter Classic, and I am glad to be home. It was exhausting but I had a lot of fun even though it was work. If you don't know the Sea Otter Classic is a huge mountain bike festival in Monterey, CA. It was also my birtday when I was out there and was dubbed princess for a day. I ran into some mountain bike celebs such as Travis Brown, Andrew Shandro, and Gary Fisher. We had a women's wine and cheese party to kick off our women who ride club.

Here is my week highlighted

  • Caught up with my high school friend Heather
  • Ate a lot of fish
  • Sang karoke at a local sushi dive
  • Sunburnt, windburnt, dustburnt
  • Spread the Trek women specific design love
  • Still can sport a crown at 28
  • Heard sea lions barking at 4:30 in the morning
  • Came back to a warm Wisconsin and left a cold California
  • Listened to strangers play Rock Band 8 hours a day for 4 days
  • Met some crazy ass downhillers
  • Drank a lot of unfiltered Saki. Yumm

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Are Girl Scouts Aliens?

I work at a place that sells fitness, not only to the consumers but to their employees. Oddly enough, we have a girl scout selling chocolaty goodness inside the building, OK she didn't skip school to sell cookies, but they brought the cookies home and the mysterious parent said "Oh I will take these to work and they will sell like hot cakes."

And of course 2:30 rolls around and everyone worked out and is getting the afternoon snack bug, so they sold like hot cakes. So back to my title: Are they aliens? You tell me: they are short, green, choose a disguise that no other human would wear, on a mission, and have objects disguised as cookies that will make us misshapen and shorter our lifespan, and are shaped like UFOs (well all cookies are). The final clue: check out the pic I added of their business badge, holy crap this confirms everything. I think I am onto something.

So did I give in? No I did not give my money to the superior being, but I stole two from my neighboring cubical co-worker.